TruhenOrgel Kaufmann
TruhenOrgel manufactured in 2009 by the Kaufmann organ company (Bolzano, Italy) upon commission and design of M° Maurizio Mancino.
TruhenOrgel Kaufmann Extended
extended version of The TruhenOrgel Kaufmann. original set required.
Biroldi 1838
The “Mighty Pipe Organ” of Inarzo, one of the finest works of Luigi Maroni-Biroldi, key personality of a famous dynasty of organ builders who worked between the end of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century in Northern Italy.
Nenninger 1994
A great mechanical organ with a traditional German layout and a sound character inspired to the best Italian voicing tradition and “feeling”- a synthesis between “Northern & Southern souls".
- Iniziativa startup nell'ambito del campionamento di Organi a canne e creazione di Sampleset per Hauptwerk
- Oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel settore della ripresa sonora e nell'editing digitale con software top di gamma
- Strumentazione di livello professionale
- Ricerca dell'equilibrio tra dettaglio tecnico ed estetica sonora supportata da estesa conoscenza dell'Organaria e del Repertorio musicale
- Startup initiative in the Pipe Organ sampling domain and Hauptwerk sampleset creation
- Encompassing more than 20 years of experience in audio recording and digital editing with high-end software
- State of the art professional level audio equipment
- Technical detail and sound aesthetics in a continuous balance of research supported by extensive expertise of pipe organ construction and musical execution